Know Your Food.
Know Your Food.
As stewards of Connecticut’s working landscape, we treat our farm as a precious irreplaceable resource. We follow sustainable farming practices that ensure our cropland will be productive for future generations. We raise our hens with the utmost care, feeding them wholesome grain that is free of antibiotics and animal by-products. This guarantees healthy and nutritious eggs that our family eats regularly.
As stewards of Connecticut’s working landscape, we treat our farm as a precious irreplaceable resource. We follow sustainable farming practices that ensure our cropland will be productive for future generations. We raise our hens with the utmost care, feeding them wholesome grain that is free of antibiotics and animal by-products. This guarantees healthy and nutritious eggs that our family eats regularly.
We currently sell directly from our farm at 31 Frog Hollow Rd. The price is currently $7.50/Dozen for free range vegetarian and grain feed chicken eggs. Please come at anytime to our farmstand and help yourself. Most people pay when they get to the farm stand to make sure the eggs are in the refrigerator.
These chickens have been fed Organic Corn-free, Soy-free Feed from New Country Organics. Well water.
They will lay brown eggs.
In all, by ensuring these hens are fed a diet free from corn and soy, these chickens will produce eggs that are low in PUFA, have a healthier fatty acid profile, rich in nutrients, allergen-friendly, and delicious! Meaning more of the good, less of the bad.
Saturday, September 7th, from 8:00 AM to 10:00 AM
*On account of raising these pullets ourselves from day one, these organic birds will be approximately 13 weeks at pick up.
These chickens have been fed Organic Corn-free, Soy-free Feed from New Country Organics from DAY ONE at our farm. Well water.
They will lay blue/greenish eggs.
In all, by ensuring these hens are fed a diet free from corn and soy, these chickens will produce eggs that are low in PUFA, have a healthier fatty acid profile, rich in nutrients, allergen-friendly, and delicious! Meaning more of the good, less of the bad.
Pick up is Saturday, SEPTEMBER 7th, from 8:00 AM to 10:00 AM.
*On account of raising these pullets ourselves from day one, these organic birds will be approximately 13 weeks at pick up.
These chickens have been fed Organic Corn-free, Soy-free Feed from New Country Organics from DAY ONE at our farm. Well water.
They will lay dark brown/chocolate eggs.
In all, by ensuring these hens are fed a diet free from corn and soy, these chickens will produce eggs that are low in PUFA, have a healthier fatty acid profile, rich in nutrients, allergen-friendly, and delicious! Meaning more of the good, less of the bad.
Pick up is Saturday, SEPTEMBER 7th, from 8:00 AM to 10:00 AM.
*On account of raising these pullets ourselves from day one, these organic birds will be approximately 13 weeks at pick up.
Vegetarian & Grain Diet
Oats & Molasses
No Animal By-Products
No Preservatives
No Artificial Hormones
Well Water
Vegetarian & Grain Diet
Oats & Molasses
No Animal By-Products
No Preservatives
No Artificial Hormones
Well Water
Our Free-Range Eggs
Free-range eggs contain 3-6 times the amount of vitamin D than those bought in the typical supermarket. In a study in the journal Food Chemistry, researchers have found that the egg yolks from chickens allowed to roam outdoors contain 30 percent more vitamin D than those from chickens who are kept in battery cages. The team tested the contents of 270 eggs for sale in the U.K. and found that the eggs of caged hens produced 1.7 mcg (micrograms) of vitamin D, while free-range and organic eggs contain 2.0 mcg and 2.2 mcg, respectively. To note, the recommended daily intake of vitamin D is 10 mcg for adults, and between 7 mcg to 8.5 mcg for children.
Our Free-Range Eggs
Free-range eggs contain 3-6 times the amount of vitamin D than those bought in the typical supermarket. In a study in the journal Food Chemistry, researchers have found that the egg yolks from chickens allowed to roam outdoors contain 30 percent more vitamin D than those from chickens who are kept in battery cages. The team tested the contents of 270 eggs for sale in the U.K. and found that the eggs of caged hens produced 1.7 mcg (micrograms) of vitamin D, while free-range and organic eggs contain 2.0 mcg and 2.2 mcg, respectively. To note, the recommended daily intake of vitamin D is 10 mcg for adults, and between 7 mcg to 8.5 mcg for children.
Our Hens are producing about 10-20 dozen/day but we would like to increase our flock so we can get between 20-40 dozen/day. We currently sell them directly from our farm at 31 Frog Hollow Rd. The price is currently $7.50/Dozen for free range vegetarian and grain feed chicken eggs. Please come at anytime to our farmstand and help yourself.
We also feed our (Hens) Poultry Vitamins for at least the first year to keep very healthy birds in our flock.
Eggs from chickens who are roaming free have been compared with USDA certified eggs from caged hens in several studies. The free-range hens’ eggs contain 1/3 less cholesterol and 1/4 less saturated fat. Their yolks are much darker owning to the fact that there is up to 7 times more beta carotene in them.
There is also 2/3 more vitamin A and up to three times the amount of vitamin E. One nutrient in which more people are becoming deficient is vitamin D. Free-range eggs contain 3-6 times the amount of vitamin D than those bought in the typical supermarket.
While many dietitians tell you to only eat the white of the egg, they are basing their research on nutritional levels from caged hens...
As stewards of Connecticut’s working landscape, we treat our farm as a precious irreplaceable resource. We follow sustainable farming practices that ensure our cropland will be productive for future generations.
Part of the concept of this small farm is to get the kids involved. We have 6 jars that we split the money; one for each kid and one for the cost of the grain.
We take great care in providing a quality egg and great service to our customers. We enjoy being a part of our community and do as much business as we can with local families. Stop by our farm and say hello.